When it comes to selling your home, designing plays a crucial role and can make the entire process much smoother and faster. Homes that are properly designed sell at a higher price compared to the unprepared ones. If you wish to sell your home immediately for cash, you can impress potential buyers efficiently with an eye for aesthetics and a bit of work. Designing your home is much like designing a stage for a drama. If you can put everything in the right place, make the arrangements perfect and create a comfortable setting, you can be rest assured of attracting the best offers and selling your home at top price. In this post, we’ve outlined the key home decorating trends that can make the home selling process a seamless one.
Designing Trends for Entrance
The entrance of your home provides the first impression to prospective buyers. Thus, creating a welcoming one is simply crucial when it comes to selling your home. Design the entrance with fresh flowers and plants. If you find dying or leggy houseplants, change their position, if possible, or just toss them out. As an alternative to buying fresh plants, you can take them on rent too. However, make sure that the containers are proper and attractive, and the surrounding areas are perfectly cleaned. If you’ve a porch, it’ll be the second thing that buyers are likely to notice about see your house from the outside. You should ideally invest some money for fresh flowers and use them to make the porch a soothing outdoor room that emits a tranquil feel and acts like a nice space to rejuvenate. Even a well-designed entrance can definitely give you success to sell your home fast for good price.
Designing Trends for Kitchen
All of you must be seeing that lots of modern designing trends for kitchen are impressing home buyers nowadays & it helps to get maximum cash for selling homes. For homeowners who organize get-togethers frequently, a beautifully designed place where they prepare special meals isn’t negotiable. So, you’ve to give it proper attention to attract prospective buyers. Elegant countertops are capable of giving your kitchen a fresh and graceful look. Quartz countertops are always in fashion when it comes to decorating your kitchen. They’re timeless, versatile and require simple maintenance. Dining areas adjacent to kitchen certainly look cute and charming but in today’s world, homebuyers are looking for more countertop space and kitchen cabinets. So, if you’re thinking of re-designing your kitchen, focus on the things that would make it more spacious. Also, consider having some wall arts like a cork-board wrapped in linen that would act as a centralized point of the homeowner’s to-do lists, recipes etc.
Designing Trends for Living Room
A fresh and welcoming living room space typically attracts prospective buyers to a great extent. If your home doesn’t have a designated living room, focusing on having one is a wise decision. You can add square footage units to increase the aesthetics of your home. Such addition would require a new foundation, new exterior siding, a new roof and probably new windows – all of which accumulates to certain costs but it can bring some top offers your way. However, you need to make sure that the added room is adequately sized so that homeowners can use it efficiently. Also, consider having some natural pieces inside your home. Natural things can provide utmost freshness and transform your home to a rejuvenating place. For instance, you can recycle some wood and create simple yet attractive storage pieces for the hallway or mudroom. It would portray a great character with a rough appearance.
Designing Trends for Bathroom
Large wood-framed beauties together with backlit modern marvels and beautiful vintage gems help to set a bathroom apart from the pack and add another beauty quotient to your home. Potential home buyers will notice bathrooms, especially the master bath. You should give equal priority to the powder room, followed by your guest bathroom and other secondary baths, if any. Using quartz countertops in bathrooms is a recent trend in designing. Apart from requiring little upkeep, these impart a timeless and versatile appeal to the space, making the bathroom a welcome place to rewind and relax. Another recent trend is to use minimalist lines and flair (one level floor, wall mounted cabinets etc.) instead of complexity to bring a sense of calm to the space. In case you have a restrained budget, you can opt for cosmetic designs for the bath to give it a new lease of life instead of spending a lot on making minor additions or layout changes.
Designing Trends for Bedroom
Beds with headboards enhance the style quotient of a bedroom. If you don’t have the space to accommodate a headboard or don’t want to invest in expensive headboards, you can still paint on the wall a fake headboard silhouette to mimic the effect. Painting the bedroom in soothing colors (say, blue) to create a welcoming, relaxing effect, almost like a spa, and using neutral bed linens are some other recent design trends that help attract and entice potential buyers. Staging the bedroom to make it feel spacious is another important thing to remember. You shouldn’t overfill your bedroom with lots of furniture. Instead, you may use a Queen sized air mattress in lieu of your king sized bed ahead of the showing to create a sense of space, which in turn could help you get a lucrative sale price.
Designing Trends for Paintings
From abstract art to masterpieces of famous painters, paintings can add life to your walls and your interiors. You may even let your creative sparks flow and make your own artwork, which you can then frame on the wall to jazz up the décor. This could be anything – from as simple as doodles to more elaborate ones like a scenery, sketch of still objects, a portrait etc. Another way is to find a wallpaper of your choice, frame it and hang it on your wall. Though your own creative pieces would add a personal touch to your space, some professionals staging homes believe in using neutral pieces since they will help see potential home buyers the space as their own instead of feeling as if they are encroaching upon the personal space of someone else.
Designing Trends for Lighting
Lighting could make or break your house showing. While a well-lit home helps draw the eye to all aspects of your abode, a poorly lit home will conceal even some key aspects of your home. This is why you need to open your shades and pull back curtains during daytime showings to let adequate natural light come in. In case you plan showings during the evening or at night, make sure to add additional lights to draw the attention to key aspects of your home, or light up dark corners. A popular lighting design trend these days is to use lighting fixtures as centerpieces. You too can display a large pendant lighting fixture over your dining table, the kitchen island, or along exterior footpaths, if they match your entire setup, to enhance the style quotient of your space and entice potential buyers.
Designing Trends to Update an old Fireplace Screen
A design trend that could be a quick fix for your old fireplace is to remove the screen, get rid of the dust by wiping it off, and then spray painting it to give it an attractive makeover. In case you have a dated, unattractive fireplace, get rid of the brass screen, and scrub the fireplace clean with soap and water, followed by the use of a stone color enhancer to polish the bricks. You will soon have an attractive fireplace with shiny bricks that will add value to your home and make it fetch an attractive sale price. A popular design trend is to replace traditional wood-burning fireplaces with modern ones that don’t have the hassle of pollution or smell unlike their traditional counterparts.
Selling a used home isn’t an uphill task when you use these design trends as your guide to create a comfortably set and perfectly arranged space. You have to use elements that complement each other to attract and hold the eyes, entice the potential buyers to imagine what it would be like living in this place, and eventually encourage them to show interest in buying. Staging your home just the right way is an art and these design trends will let you do that without a lot of time, effort or investment. Make the most of these now if you want your used home to be the hottest property on the block.